Thursday, August 11, 2016


Today's moment of science: Of all creatures, Alaskan sea otters have the most desirable skin and fur to keep you warm and dry.  They don't just have fur, they have a "fur system."  Overlapping layers of fur trap a layer of DRY air against their skin.  

That's why they were nearly hunted to extinction by the 1900s. Happily, they've made a comeback.


A little catchup.  Stopped two days ago at Hope, Alaska, a tiny cluster of cabins and a couple of cafes and gift shops.  It's right on the water, across the inlet (Turnagain Arm) from Anchorage.

Very quaint, with a coffee house named, inevitably, "grounds for Hope."  

Also, several days ago, back at Denali State Park, we took a five mile loop hike around a lake that was fairly eventful. Saw a pair of loons, a pair of nesting trumpeter swans, and several pink salmon that were post-spawn. They were starting to decay even while still swimming around. The flesh around their eyes and mouths was turning whitish.

A trail bridge three quarters of the way around was not usable, so we bravely forded the stream  the bridge would have crossed.  Water (cold!) almost to the waist. Very refreshing and adventurous. We're seniors but we're active seniors.

Also in Hope, enjoyed watching an eight-year-old fly fisherman gamely and persistently casting for silver salmon.

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