Saturday, August 6, 2016

Denial in Denali



These Alaskans can't let go of their "biggest this, biggest that" obsession. They're almost as bad as Texans, though not nearly as obnoxious. Not satisfied with being the biggest state, having the highest peak, and so forth, they had to create the World's Largest City besides.  Not in terms of population, of course, but acreage.  The CITY of Sitka, in Southeast Alaska, is 2,873.3 square MILES. 

We went to the famous Denali National Park today, but didn't see much of it.  Everything was fogged in.  Also we arrived there too late to catch one of the shuttle buses that take you into the park and from which tHousands of tourists each year enjoy viewing Grizzlies, caribou, and moose. Fortunately for us, we had been on that little tour 29 years before, so we didn't mind missing it too much.

Did see one caribou while driving in on the short distance of road that autos are allowed on. And took a pleasant one-hour hike on the tundra along a river called the Savage.

We then drove down to Denali STATE park to get a campsite. Jim had determined, through vigorous and painstaking research, that this camping spot was right across the main road from the Denali NATIONAL park. He was only off by 90 miles. So it was pretty late by the time we got to the state park campsite. And also raining. So we set  up our little blue tent and heated up a pre-cooked chicken and rice dish, went to bed and heard raindrops thunk against the tent fly all night. 

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