Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hi-YO, ....SILVERS!!!!!!!

We lucked out finding the lodging we have because people have been coming in from all over for the annual Silver Salmon Fishing Derby here in Seward.  It starts today and goes for eight days.

Silvers are one of the five kinds of Pacific salmon. It's hard enough for the neophyte to remember them, but it's even harder because they all have at least two common names. In any case they have the derby in mid-August because that's when the "silver run" occurs. That is, that they come in from the ocean to the bay's and freshwater rivers to spawn.

There's been a little bit of concern because the silver run seems a bit late this year.  But they should be appearing in large numbers any day now.

There are of course, various prizes in various categories. But we kind of like this one the best:
Whoever catches the FORTY-NINTH largest silver wins a thousand dollars, in honor, no doubt of Alaska being the 49th state.

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