Monday, August 15, 2016



Turn out the lights, the party's over.  Just shipped camping and fishing gear back home and returned rental car to Hertz.  And it hertz a little to do it.

At one of our motels back in Seward, we heard another motel guest say to the proprietor that he and his peeps had driven 1400 miles touring Alaska. Now they were going home because, he said, "we've seen everything there is to see."  

We drove even farther, 2,536 miles to be precise. And yet I don't feel like we've even begun to see all there is to see.  

Still got an afternoon and Eve in Anchorage  before flying to Seattle tomorrow.

Today's Amazing Alaska fact: Alaska has the highest proportion of men to women of any sate or territory. This has lead to the publication of such magazines as "MEN OF ALASKA," Bringing you Alaskan Bachelors Since 1987"

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