Saturday, August 13, 2016


The next time you go fishing, try not taking any bananas along. Or banana bread, or even any banana-colored clothing. It's an ancient and firm belief around here that bananas are bad luck aboard a fishing boat.

ITS NOW BEEN  raining  almost nonstop for three and a close to four days. When it does "stop" it simply drizzles lightly. So we changed our strategy and slept in a motel here the last two nights. 

The fog and mist lifted enough as we drove into Seward two days ago to allow us to witness yet another scenic phenomenon. Much like Homer, Seward is at the head of a long and narrow inlet and is thus surrounded by rugged mountains on three sides. It is quite interesting in this weather to watch the mists constantly swirling around them and thus constantly changing the view.

We took a six hour boat tour yesterday of Kenai Fjords National Park. Fjords, as you know, are the long and deep inlets we've been describing. They were carved out by glaciers, the remains of which are still not far away. Anyhow, here's a list of some of the things spied by the ever alert Captain and his crew:


Puffins, tufted and horned
Arctic loons
Common murre (can dive up to 600 feet below ocean surface)

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