Saturday, July 23, 2016

Southwest air gets a new motto

Southwest Airlines earned a new motto a few days ago: "Make America Wait Again!"  Their computer went sideways on Wedesday, and they had to cancel 700 flights.  On thursday, the day we flew to Seattle , they had to cancel 300 more.

Lucky for us, we only had an hour delay. But there were some grim faces at the southwest gates.

Also lucky for us, the airport TVs had wall to wall coverage of the walk-through of Donnie Trump's acceptance speech, which he would deliver later that evening to a basketball arena full of silver-haired, pale-faced whooping morons. Time just flew.

The airports, though, are dropping the ball on one thing: they should have casinos in them for people waiting for their flights. Got to be revenue there.

Anyway the flight itself was simply marvelous.  As soon a we flew over Colorado it was announced that they would now be able to have deliver "the cannibas service."  They wheeled out trays of brownies and little candies laced with marijuana (no smoking on the plane, of course.)

We declined, but many of the passengers seemed to enjoy this new innovation. Of course, they had to do it fast, before the plane reached Utah airspace.

Ha Ha!!!  Just kidding about the dope service.


Our motel is in Kent, Washington, just outside Seattle. Having a day layover here, we walked to a bus terminal , rode the bus to downtown Seattle, walked around town, caught the light rail train back to Kent,

The people here Are pretty scared. There's a werewolf  warning been issued. It seems there was recently a hairy- handed gent who ran amok here in Kent, and lately he's been overheard inSpokane.  Werewolves of Washington again.

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